Welcome to Sustainability Education!

Students Farming at Crookston
Solar Panels on UMD
Wind Turbines at UMN Morris
UMN Rochester campus
umn logo flowers.jpg

What Do the UM Students Think?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is sustainability?

Sustainability has different meanings depending on who you ask. By definition, sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. 

Sustainability is the interweaving of different disciplines to create a healthier place to live. The U of M is working to incorporate sustainability in all aspects. We are moving towards the goal of environmental justice. Because none of these programs would be possible without students, we want the information to be as accessible as it can be. Let us know how we can improve.

Why is sustainability important?

Sustainability is important for the future of our relationship with the planet and each other. It improves the quality for us and future generations to come. We must not only protect our resources but improve our way of life through equality, equity, and diversity. That is why the United Nations created the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability is everyone's responsibility.

How can you be more sustainable in your education?

You've come to the right place! By coming together to create this systemwide webpage, we are making resources available and easy to use.

Students: see majors, minors and classes. If you don't want any more classes, check out a club.

Faculty: find resources to expand your sustainability horizons.

If you are just here to browse, you can find excellent resources here to incorporate sustainability into your life.